Otto and diesel cycle

Carnot Cycle
     Carnot cycle is a reversible cycle where a working fluid goes under a cycle with working process Isothermal heat addition, Icentropic expansion, Isothermal heat rejection and finally Icentropic compression.
     Carnot cycle has the most efficiency of all the working cycle present in the world because its each process is nearly reversible. Heat Engines work on the Carnot Cycle while Refrigerator and Heat Pumps work on revers Carnot engine.
Otto and Diesel
     Engines working on Otto and diesel cycle in an automoblibe although form in a cycle, are not reversible cycle as the working medium changes changes after each cycle. Otto and diesel are much similar to each other except the heat addition process. In otto heat addition is by constant volume process where as in diesel the heat addition is by constant pressure process. These cycles are not as efficient as carnot cycle as process are not reversible.
Ideal Otto cycle
Ideal Diesel cycle
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